Built in 1872, Domaine des Aubineaux is a colonial house in Mauritius located amidst an oasis of greenery, peace and tranquillity. Surrounded by a floral park with exotic plants such as camphor trees and endemic trees, the house has been transformed into a museum and a venue for weddings, birthdays and anniversaries, team-building events and corporate seminars. In addition to a museum, the Domaine also provides visitors with an experience of La Maison des Essences and its restaurant, renowned for its traditional Mauritian cuisine.


Sitting comfortably in the shade of the veranda and facing a beautiful green space where children enjoy playing, Les Aubineaux Restaurant will invite visitors to taste the cuisine of Mauritian grandmothers as well as specialities based on tea and vanilla, as well as its famous “kat-kat manioc” (cassava stew). You will forget the passage of time at this colonial house with an old-fashioned architecture.

the flavours of


Activity, visit and lunch

After preparing a dish inspired by the best Mauritian recipes under the guidance of Domaine des Aubineaux’s chef, participants in the Ki Pou Kwi activity will have lunch on the Domaine before continuing the day with a visit of the colonial house, its floral park and plant nursery (a must for all plant and garden lovers!) as well as a rum tasting session. The tour ends with a visit to the Domaine’s boutique to find a souvenir of the experience to take home!


The Domaine des Aubineaux Nursery offers you a wide choice of outdoor plants for your garden, your balcony or even your terrace.
Here you will find a wide variety of outdoor plants such as Begonia, Camellia, Lemongrass, Carmona, Frangipane, Hibiscus, Mapou, lucky bamboo, Palm, Ravenale, among many others, ideal for enhancing your garden and making it welcoming and warm.
We also have some houseplants and fruit trees such as Grenadine, Guava, Jamelon, Cherry, Banana and Bigaradier.
The Nursery is open Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Come meet our dedicated team who are dedicated to listening to their customers and providing as much advice as possible.


Born from the desire to fully promote the Mauritian terroir, our range of special products illustrates the variety of local flavors. In addition to its Mauritian rums, the Domaine de Saint Aubin designs around ten special and flavored sugars (demerara, muscovado, panela, etc.). The Group also markets vanilla in various forms, cane syrup and honey.


Take advantage of an amazing setting to add another dimension to all your celebrations, including birthdays and anniversaries, weddings, seminars, team-building activities, concerts, festivals, exhibitions and end-of-year parties in Mauritius.

Kindly fill out the form below to tell us about your ideas and wishes. Our team will be delighted to assist in bringing your event to life.


tea, rum and

La Route du Thé is an activity in Mauritius that invites you to immerse yourself in the country’s history through the richness of its gastronomy.
This authentic excursion will take you along the paths of our three heritage sites: Domaine des Aubineaux, Domaine de Bois Chéri and Domaine de Saint Aubin.

Domaine des Aubineaux, a colonial house built in 1872, will transport you to another era.
It is surrounded by a magnificent botanical garden with exotic plants and endemic trees.
At Domaine Bois Chéri, taste tea produced in the Chalet tea factory, then enjoy a delicious meal at the Bois Chéri Restaurant in a charming hilltop setting.
Finally, head for Domaine de Saint Aubin.
Here, the Maison de la Vanille (Vanilla House) retraces the transformation process before your very eyes.
Finish the day with a stroll through the estate’s botanical gardens and farm.



Domaine de Saint Aubin

Its rum factory, traditional restaurant, vanilla plantation and guest house will offer you a total immersion into a bygone era of Mauritius.

Domaine de Bois Chéri

The former Bois Chéri tea factory dates back to 1892. This plantation will introduce tea enthusiasts to traditional growing practices and offer tea tasting opportunities.

Pour certains, la culture des plantes est un passe-temps, tandis que pour d'autres, il s'agit d'un art à part entière. 🤗
À la pépinière du Domaine, nous fusionnons l'art et la passion pour le bien-être et l'épanouissement de nos plantes.🌸
Si vous cherchez des plantes pour vos intérieurs ou vos extérieurs, n'hésitez pas à faire un saut à notre pépinière. 😊
Apprenez-en plus sur ce que le Domaine a à vous offrir :

#domainedesaubineaux #pepiniere #plantes #art #passion #fleurs #ilemaurice #nature #bienetre #calme #authenticite
Dear Valued Partners,
Greeting from Saint Aubin Loisirs!
Kindly note that les Aubineaux Restaurant will be exceptionally closed tomorrow, March 2nd 2025. 
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. 
Best regards,
The Management
Groupe Saint Aubin wishes you a blessed Maha Shivaratri. 🙏

#groupesaintaubin #mauritius #happy #maha #shivaratri
Want something a bit more extra for your brunch? 😉
Our truffle scramble eggs on toast is the perfect option to start your brunch just right. 🥪
Call us on 676 3089 to book your table.
Our brunch is available on weekends and public holidays only, from 9am to 3pm.

#domainedesaubineaux #lesaubineauxrestaurant #brunch #weekend #scrambledeggs #truffle
Le Domaine des Aubineaux a connu de nombreux propriétaires au fil des années. Lady Bestel, Louis Rochecouste et enfin la famille Guimbeau, derniers propriétaires du Domaine. 🏡
Le Domaine fut occupé jusqu'en 1999 par Mme Myriam Guimbeau. Par la suite, différents travaux de restauration ont eu lieu enfin de transformer la maison en musée, véritable patrimoine de la famille Guimbeau. 
Aujourd'hui, la maison abrite une merveilleuse collection de mobiliers datant de la Compagnie des Indes ainsi que de nombreuses photographies de famille qui nous font voyager à travers le temps. 😌

#domainedesaubineaux #histoire #patrimoine #familial #ilemaurice
Saviez-vous que les hortensias sont les fleurs symboliques de la Bretagne ? On les retrouvent en bordure de routes, dans les jardins et même dans les parcs. 😊
À Maurice, ces fleurs ont su charmer le coeur des mauriciens et embellissent jardins et pépinières. 🤗
Lors de votre balade au Domaine, vous aurez l'occasion d'en admirer quelques-unes ainsi que d'autres plantes !
Visitez notre site pour plus d'informations sur le Domaine et son histoire :

#domainedesaubineaux #hortensia #jardin #nature #ilemaurice #beaute #authenticite #visite #fleurs #charme #balade
Groupe Saint Aubin wishes you a lovely Valentine's Day. ❤🥰

#groupesaintaubin #valentinesday #love #moments #sharing
Groupe Saint Aubin wishes you a pious Thaipoosam Cavadee. 🙏

#groupesaintaubin #happy #thaipoosam #cavadee #mauritius